Why You Should Never Move a Piano Yourself

Posted on: 24 October 2019

Given how expensive moving can be, it's no surprise that many homeowners try to cut costs by moving furniture and belongings themselves. However, one thing you should never move without professional help is a piano. Here's why. You Might Hurt Yourself The biggest and most important reason to avoid moving your piano yourself is the risk of injury. Did you know that a grand piano can weigh as much as almost 1,000 lbs (450kg)?
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3 Tips to Ensure Your Move Does Not End in Back Pain

Posted on: 29 August 2019

Moving house is often described as controlled chaos, and when the moving day itself rolls around, it is not unusual for a lot of activity to be occurring all at once. As someone who is about to move house, you know that hiring a furniture removalist is the most efficient way to get your belongings onto a truck and off to your new residence. However, it is not unusual for homeowners to suffer back injury during a house move despite having hired a removalist to help.
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How Do You Pick The Right Furniture Removalist as You Move?

Posted on: 21 June 2019

Are you moving into a new house soon? Moving homes can be a stressful undertaking because it entails relocating the entire household. Besides being an exhausting task, moving is also time-consuming, and this is why most people opt to work with a furniture removals company. These experts help you pack all your belongings, transport them to your new abode and then unpack them. This not only makes your moving experience stress-free but also enjoyable.
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Two Tips for Moving House When You Suffer From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted on: 26 December 2018

Chronic fatigue syndrome (or CFS) is a condition which causes a person to feel constantly exhausted, irrespective of how much sleep they get or how physically active they are. Moving house when you have this condition can be an overwhelmingly tiring experience. If you have CFS and are due to move to a new home soon, here are some tips that should help you to cope with this experience. Use a packing service as well as a removals service
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